Jesse Delgado Blog

Friday, November 02, 2007

Music Videos

I wonder sometimes how easy it is to make a music video. I figure all you might need is a few good looking girls, a band, cameras, and a few lights. Hey, don't worry about the lyrics to the song just make everyone look good and remember skin is in. What, you want ratings don't you? Well then do it.
Pressure to do what you feel is not cool or just wont relate to the songs vision.
Dog, what a dog

The funniest thing I have heard about this is from Jimmy Kimmel. He said that he should be sent to visit Mike Vick, former QB of the Atlanta Falcons, since Mike hasn't been able to harm am dog since his indictment.
Well these prejudices still happen in the world of entertainment and all over the place. I think Kramer was a good example this past year on how ticked one can get and then say the wrong things.
I know that the hate still exists, but hey learn something from everyone else who slips up, keep it to yourself if it is not P.C., right?
Don't say anything if you can't say anything nice.

Friday, October 19, 2007

My back hurts

My back hurts like all get out. I was playing soccer for my P.E .class yesterday and I went all out for a diving stop. Well I sure stopped the ball, but I also hurt my back.
I didn't even sign up for the class yet I ended up in there because my self defense class was cancelled. I often ask myself, how Mexican are you if you dont like soccer? All my Hispanic friends make fun of me because I dont like to watch or even play soccer like them. Does that make me less Mexican or Hispanic than them? I love baseball, keyword love. The Dominicans love it too. I have no problems watching or being involved in the sport, therefore I feel like I can be part of that. I just plain dont like soccer, its boring and besides what is hockey for ehh?
Am I going to be Tex?

When I go to Orlando for my internship with Disney World am I going to be pigeon holed as the guy from Texas. I think we will call him Tex. Hey Tex, how many horses do you have? What is ranch life like, do you see many Indians, and who shot J.R.? Are these the questions that I will have to answer becuase all the media depicts Texans as gun totting, cowboy hat wearing, Dallas Cowboy fan people. I am sure that I do embody some attributes many Texans are accused of. Damn right I am going to take my Texas flag with me, I am a proud Texan. I do have a bit of an accent that lets people know that I am more American than my Mexican heritage, but I can speak and understand lots of Spanish. I dont have a cowboy hat or boots, but I daggum sure got a belt buckle and tight jeans. I think that Kevin Fowler said it best in his song lyrics, "I'm a hellbent 100% Texan til I die."
American Indians In The Media
One thing I have been wondering to do with as the final project is to deal with the image of the American Indian and how they have been portrayed in the media. The first thing that comes to mind when this arises is the image of the Lone Rangers sidekick, Tonto. In the Spanish language, the word tonto is a slang word meaning stupid. I am sure I am not the only one that noticed this coincidence, am I? How about the consumate environmentalist who cries at the sight of trash on the side of the road as depicted on the highway commercials of the late '70s and ealry '80s. Now cartoons are getting involved in it, drawings of the famous cigar store indians have been prevalent on the Simpsons and Tom & Jerry cartoons. Wow, must be a sad time to be an American Indian. There must be some way to escape the drunken casino pot smoking image.
Disney Look
I recently was accepted into the Disney College Program in Orlando Florida. I will attend the internship within the guidelines they have requested for each participating member to be within. Gentlemen are expected to have haircuts off the ear and off the collar and can be dyed within a natural looking color. Women are expected to have hair of natural color or dyed to be a natural color and no visible tatoos. I agree with these guidelines because at the themepark we are creating memories for the guests.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

These recent weeks I have been tracking the differences in two different websites. Both are news sites, and Over the Texas-OU weekend DMN showed the debate coverage on their front page.
Star Telegram showed coverage of the game itself. The day after both papers showed game results and the implications. This past week in the final weeks of gubernatorial elections the Star Telegram dropped the ball again opting for Dallas Cowboys game coverage on their frontpage.
DMN called attention to the political scene. Continious tracking of the two sites for a few weeks to decide who did better overall in reporting the news is my objective.
Therefore the weeks that I have taken a look at the two websites obvious differences appear. The two papers have different opinions on what is most important. News is primary for the DMN, whereas the Star Telegram wants to be the cool place to go to find out what happened in the social scene.
The sites are up to date, they have to be, because newspapers should be in order to keep their audiences. The football games scores were posted almost immediatly after the games were finished. The political debates posted the next morning, my guess is because there had to be some analysis.
The Star Telegram had in depth coverage on some local stories, local meaning around Ft Worth. On events outside of Ft Worth there was not so much depth but rather facts.
DMN had in depth coverage on all stories around the metroplex, including Ft Worth. I would have to say that they have a bigger staff or just care a little bit more than the Star Telegram.
If I had to choose only one website to get my news, it would undoubtly be the DMN website. There I can find information faster and in less clicks. The click through rate was only 1 or 2 to get to a story. I put two in there because sometimes the site asked me to register. I had an account with both websites prior to the tracking assignment, but chose not to sign-in in order to see how much news I can get without registering.
While registering with both of the sites, both asked for the same amount of information. Things like address, age, gender, occupation, and most importantly an e-mail address.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Washington Post has a policy about photo manipulation like many other newspapers across the country. Summary of the points include: nothing is added or subtracted from the image such as a hand or tree limb in an inopportune position, silhouettes should be used sparingly, photos in collage artwork is permitted for illustrative purposes only, and take a reality check.
These are relevant points because the photographer deserves the credit for the image, and also that is their artform. C.J. discussed in class very briefly that a small change in a photo can make someone seem married or just engaged. That is another reason that a photo shouldn't be changed.,26334,1229075,00.html
photo had attribution to Bloomberg News
photo attribution (KUSA)

copyright- someone owns this property, in this case a photo.